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Britain Serbia

Hello, I'm Dimitrije Kasalović!

Digital Native

Frontend developer

Marketing Octopus

An interest in computers starts from my first Compaq Pentium 1 computer. Later, my focus turns to 3D drawing at various projects. During high school, as a member of the School Parliament, I was in charge of doing mainly technical things, which also got me closer to design. After enrolling at university, as I didn’t find myself in the economics sphere, I decided to get employment. The position of Junior IT Support in an international company induced me to continue my work in IT sector. With intention of expanding my knowledge, I signed up for the Academy for programmers in Kragujevac and finished HTML5/CSS3 course, and soon after that JavaScript course. Then I started working on making a website in WordPress for Public transport agency, therefore I have successfully gained skills for working in CMS system. Additionally, I've upgraded my IT knowledge by finishing IT Advisory internship programme in one of the "big four" accounting firms, Ernst and Young. Currently, I am employed by an international company in the Marketing Department as a Digital Marketing Specialist.

"Smooth sea never made a skilled sailor."

Personal info


Dimitrije Kasalović

Date of birth:




Here's my

work experience
and some skills

september 2001. - june 2009.

Elementary school "Stanislav Sremčević"
Diploma holder "Vuk Stefanović Karadžić"
Participant of the state physics competition
The champion of the municipal competition in mathematics

september 2009. - june 2013.

Prva kragujevačka gimnazija
Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Student parliament member
Drama club member

october 2009. - march 2013.

Student parliament member
First student parliament in Serbia
Activist, member of the technical support team
Today, honorary member

september 2013. - present

Faculty of Economics - University of Belgrade
Finance, Banking and Insurance

july 2013. - june 2016.

NGO „The association of young enthusiasts“
Activist; Board member

september 2016. - present

DJ - Sax'n'Groove
Since 2009. resident DJ of numerous clubs in Kragujevc
Since 2016. resident DJ at Sax'n'Groove band

january 2018. - november 2018.

AAA Freight Inc. - Kragujevac/Chicago, IL
Junior IT Support
Safety consultant

september 2018. - may 2020.

ICT Cluster Academy and Himera IT Academy
HTML5/CSS3 course (Bootstrap 3.7-4.1 i SASS) - SEE certificate
JavaScript course - SEE certificate

november 2018. - april 2019.

Public transport agency - Kragujevac
Temporary-occasional job
Team leader - new website development team
Asistent - creative team for inovations

november 2019. - february 2020.

Ernst and Young - Belgrade
Advisory Intern (ITRA) - SEE certificate
Internship program at IT Risk and Assurance
IT General Controls, worked with various clients

june 2020. - present

JDM Expedite Inc. - Kragujevac/Chicago, IL
Digital Marketing Specialist
Marketing Department

Hover me!

UI/UX Design

IT Support

Digital Marketing

HTML5/CSS3 JavaScript Wordpress

IT Risk and Assurance

Hobbies in symbiosis with productivity and a desire for progress lead to their conversion into part-time jobs



Since 2009. I am actively DJ-ing and in September 2016. becoming a member of Sax’n’Groove band. We are famous for short and energetic sets, performing at corporative events, weddings and in clubs.

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Dimitrije as DJ

I spend my free time traveling across Serbia with my band, absorbing positive energy from my audience. One of my most important principles is “Do a job you love and you will be happy”.


PlayStation Arena

Playing video games is being my greatest pleasure. I was a PC gamer in childhood, but I prefer console nowadays. Jobs that I do leave no time for playing games, so I decided to channel that passion through a PlayStation game-room, which will lead me to an entrepreneurship business.

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Dimitrije as entrepreneur

My theory is: If I am starting a business in a field of my narrow interests, knowing the basics of entrepreneurship and marketing, with a dose of luck - success is inevitable.

Find out more about me
on social networks